Orealia Marshall, 45, Pearlington, MS. My mom started talking to her and her two children at the food aid center one hot afternoon. She, like many of the survivors, had a dazed and unfocused look in her eyes. Actually, it's more like a searching look, constantly casting about for something to hold onto. Unsure, and scanning for options. With just a hello, their stories flood out in a fast and desperate jumble of facts and details.
Orealia and her two children and a cousin survived by clinging to the branches of a tree. The cousin died the day after the disaster struck, and Orealia and her two children waited three days for officials to take the body.
Hi- I love the fact that you took her picture 'glamour-shots' sytle.
To me, it emphasizes the fact that EVERY person affected by this is important, worthy, beautiful- not just a nameless victim.
It was my pleasure to issue Orealia a generator in Pearlington (finally) after a week of struggling to get some there for the folks. I spent 10 days there and it was brutally hot and I was deeply saddened by the aftermath of Katrina on these wonderful people. You have caught the real Orealia. Sine on, girlfriend.
"Canada Jon"
Jon, that's great news! Do you know if more generators are becoming available now? When I had last checked there were over 300 people waiting, and 1 in.
Thank you for making your lens colorblind..we are all touched by this enormous tragedy one way or another..and as I sit here and cry feeling helpless about what is beyond my control, I am heartened by the fact that there is a voice for all of the people affected by Katrina/Rita..God bless you luv..
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