That's Charity Hospital. My family would rather die than go there for treatment. Imagine the worst things you've ever feared about a Victorian insane asylum, a third world prison, and a Soviet orphanage, and you have Charity Hospital. Once, I had poison ivy so bad we had to go to there, and I sat in the emergency room for nine hours next to a corpse in a body bag. There were two stab victims, and a cop came in shot. When the doctor finally saw me, he didn't speak English. A nurse had to translate. I'm not making this up, people.
Lord I Just Can't Keep from Crying - Blind Willie Johnson
Health care in America. Ain't it lovely?
Hope all is well as can be, babes. I wonder how things are going... I bought the biggest print of you and KT I could-- be well.
xox MM
posted by: girlbrainiac on 9/9/2005 11:42:06 PM
Sounds like Cooper-Green in B-ham .People in beds on the sidewalk, out in front of the hospital...dying.
posted by: dirtwood on 9/9/2005 9:17:45 PM
Holy crap! It's like something out of a science fiction novel about postapocalyptic times.
And those in office want to pretend this can't happen in America.
I feel like such an asshole for feeling bad about the credit card debt I've gotten myself into. I'm not gonna cry the blues about that anymore.
And I feel scared because I haven't had insurance for years. What if something happens to me?
I work in a beautiful retirement community. I'm paid reasonably well for CNA work, which is not a high-paying job. The wages I make are on the high end of the wage scale.
Most elderly don't end up in a beautiful place like this. They end up in one of those places where I refuse to work!
Damn, it makes me sick to hear about this kind of thing. We're one of the wealthiest nations. It's a joke that we can't even provide halfway decent health care for people--regardless of their ability to pay! The Hippocratic oath has become the Hypocritical oath for certain!
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